Charcoal Sketches of
Urban Transitional Spaces


An Other Space within the House I

Charcoal on paper, emulsion paint, wood
Dimensions variable

This drawing installation was completed during the Banqiao 435 International Artist Residency from October – December 2007 in Taipei, Taiwan. The final work was presented at the Wan Ban Hall, Banqiao 435 Art Zone, then under Banqiao City, Taipei County, Taiwan.

Tang Ling Nah’s charcoal drawings of architectural spaces examine the relationship of human existence with public urban spaces, especially transitional spaces. She believes that architectural spaces can provide powerful backdrops to explore and dissect human life. Buildings can act as a metaphor for human interaction, and possess the narrative potential to express relationships in it. Like her previous works, the drawing for this show was inspired by her surroundings, in this case, the architecture of Banqiao 435 Art Zone where the artist village is located. Reference was also made to public transitional spaces in Banqiao, including the Banqiao train and MRT stations. It would be a ‘collage’ of all these spaces, drawn with charcoal on paper and installed in the exhibition space. Doors, windows and staircases continued to be dominant features in her work. The fixtures in the exhibition space were considered as part of the work as well. Her work presented a sense of familiarity of the place but at the same time, looked unfamiliar to the Banqiao residents. Would it make them feel comfortable like being at home, or alienated as if they were in a foreign place? Or would they wander around and enjoy the unknown?
